Prevention Planning for a Product Recall

Imagine the scene: You wake up, turn on your laptop, and read your emails. There's a message from someone at your legal department: "We've received a product recall notice from the FDA. One of our products contains a dangerous ingredient. We need to act now." The FDA (and other federal agencies) issue warnings like [...]

Prevention Planning for a Product Recall2021-06-22T18:44:23+00:00

Why the Automotive Industry Should Care More About Product Recalls and Compliance Issues

The automotive industry is among the highest-regulated sectors in the United States, with motor vehicle manufacturing governed by several federal agencies. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is the one that handles product recalls and compliance issues for faulty tires, malfunctioning mirrors, broken baby seats, and other vehicle components. But just how much do product and quality [...]

Why the Automotive Industry Should Care More About Product Recalls and Compliance Issues2021-06-22T20:04:21+00:00

3 Medical Device Regulatory Compliance Issues in 2021

Product recalls and compliance issues affect all sectors, but some industries face more significant challenges than others. Medical device manufacturers, for example, should know the legal consequences of product recall non-compliance. These consequences include fines and enforcement action levied by the FDA for not responding to safety notices. As a medical device manufacturer, you might not [...]

3 Medical Device Regulatory Compliance Issues in 20212021-05-08T15:52:14+00:00

Consumer Product Recalls and Compliance Issues in 2021

Consumer product recalls and compliance issues continue to plague manufacturers and retailers of consumer products in 2021. Last month, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled nearly 20,000 lithium-ion battery cells, the type found in iPhones, toys, personal fans, vaping devices, and other products. The federal agency, tasked with protecting the public against injuries [...]

Consumer Product Recalls and Compliance Issues in 20212021-04-20T19:36:44+00:00

Part 9: How Does the Operations Department Respond to Product Recalls?

The operations department plays a pivotal role in the product recall process. Recall notices might require organizations to change production processes for public safety reasons, and operations personnel facilitate these changes. For successful recall management, the operations team works with other departments to remove dangerous and faulty products. In this edition of our series [...]

Part 9: How Does the Operations Department Respond to Product Recalls?2021-01-21T17:07:02+00:00
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