Part 6: What is the Role of the Maintenance Team in Product Recall Management?

The maintenance department plays a significant role in product recall management. Without the maintenance team, an organization can't manage product recalls — and could face lawsuits and expensive government penalties. As we continue our series about the impact of product recalls on different departments, we examine the role of the maintenance team. What Does [...]

Part 6: What is the Role of the Maintenance Team in Product Recall Management?2021-01-05T21:53:07+00:00

Part 5: What is the Role of a Legal Counsel in Product Recall Management?

Recently, we have explored the roles different business departments play in product recall management, from accounting to customer service. The legal department (or legal counsel), however, perhaps plays the biggest role. A legal team navigates ever-evolving legislation that pertains to product recall management and finding alternative resolutions to product liability lawsuits, court action, and [...]

Part 5: What is the Role of a Legal Counsel in Product Recall Management?2021-01-05T21:53:15+00:00

Part 4: What is the IT Department’s Role in Product Recall Management?

You might not associate IT with product recall management, but IT departments have an important role to play in handling recall notices from the federal government and other agencies. Without robust IT procedures and technologies, organizations can't improve recall response times and could experience negative financial and legal consequences. Here's a scenario: The FDA [...]

Part 4: What is the IT Department’s Role in Product Recall Management?2021-01-05T21:53:25+00:00

Part 3: What is the Supply and Distribution Department’s Role in Product Recall Management?

Product recalls impact all departments within an organization, but those working in supply and distribution will feel the effects more than most. The truth is, recalls influence every aspect of a supply chain, from sourcing materials and ingredients to distributing products to retailers and customers.   As we continue our 12-part series about the impact of [...]

Part 3: What is the Supply and Distribution Department’s Role in Product Recall Management?2020-12-01T16:02:51+00:00
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