Each year, recalls cost companies millions of dollars in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, cosmetics, medical devices, and more. They’re one of the biggest threats to profitability and associated with lost costs, delayed product delivery, and reduced consumer trust. Nonetheless, many risk management experts believe that more intricate product supply chains and better safety regulations mean that recalls are inevitable no matter the industry or the product. That’s why many companies invest in learning how to conduct mock recalls to better prepare for the actual event.

Any organization with a product on the market may one day get hit by a recall. Read on to discover what mock recalls are, how they can help you prepare for a live event, and how an automated SaaS-based management system can help.

What Are Mock Recalls and Why Do They Matter?

A mock recall is a routine, staged exercise conducted by a manufacturer and all pertinent stakeholders with the intent of assessing readiness and responsiveness at a supply chain level. As with emergency preparedness or disaster planning in service-based industries, they’re an important part of risk management in any organization with a product on the market. In some cases, they’re even required.

Mock recalls help companies prepare for an actual recall by identifying procedures that work well and opportunities for improvement in the current plan. When conducted across trading partners or vendors, they allow a company to create or test existing traceability procedures.

How to Conduct Mock Recalls That Set Your Company Up for Success

A mock recall can save a company time, money, and embarrassment during the actual event. Therefore, it’s best to put thought and effort into crafting an effective drill that prepares the company for this worst-case scenario. Here’s how to conduct mock recalls in five steps.

1. Create a Centralized Task Force

As with other disaster planning procedures, the most important step is to first create a team assigned to handle the recall. This keeps efforts centralized, organized, and responsive.

Strongly consider equipping your task force with software management tools that support a centralized, rapid response. SaaS-based software deployed on-demand keeps the team, manufacturers, vendors, or other relevant stakeholders in communication.

2. Establish and Test Traceability Procedures

Establish and standardize traceability procedures that can be rapidly applied in the event of a recall. During a mock recall, your task force should be able to identify (at minimum) the:

  • Reason for the recall
  • Origin of the materials or product in question
  • Extent of distribution – including which pallets, cases, and units are affected
  • Product that has been sold and what’s still in the inventory

3. Carry Out the Recall to Completion Using Best Practices

Carry out the mock recall with an emphasis on applying recall best practices. For maximum success:

  • Choose an item to recall using a vulnerability audit: Identify which product will have the most repercussions if it’s recalled.
  • Mock-recall the product on a random day: This simulates a real recall and thus empowers a company to never be caught off guard.
  • Keep detailed documents and notes of the process: Pay attention to deviations, problems, or instances where staff might not be taking the recall seriously.
  • Use automated SaaS-based software: It will help you gain a sense of your traceability procedures, as well as where you lack visibility.

4. Analyze and Apply Insights from the Mock Recall

A mock recall should be a learning experience and you should apply those insights to your recall plan. Some things you may wish to consider in your review of the process include:

  • Who needs access to the recall management software?
  • What is the plan of action to communicate with vendors or suppliers?
  • What information do you need to start tracking immediately?
  • What features in your recall management platform are most helpful?
  • Why did deviations from the plan occur and what can you learn from them?
  • What input do stakeholders have of how the mock recall went?

Conduct Mock Recalls with Management Software from TRIEVR

TRIEVR Recall Management is a 100% SaaS-based recall management platform that’s on-demand when and wherever you need it. However, don’t wait until a recall happens to access this tool. Learning how to conduct mock recalls using TRIEVR Recall Management helps familiarize you with this powerful tool and the many features it offers.

If or when a recall occurs, your team will be better equipped to manage it without the added frustration of having to learn a new platform. That can mean the difference between a swift, professional response to a recall or an embarrassing, expensive fumble.

Request a live demo of TRIEVR Recall Management now to start planning your recall plan.